«Wherever the mind moves, whether outwards or inwards, there the all-pervasive state of Śiva will go» (Vijñāna Bhairava Tantra, 116, Dhāranā on the omnipresent reality).
Towards spirituality?
The year starts pretty quiet for you, Scorpio. You have Venus on your side at the beginning of the month, which should give you harmony and serenity. Perhaps there will be some frenzy in the last days of the month due to Mercury square, but nothing difficult. So it’s still Neptune trine to be felt, especially for those born in the second decade. This transit, which will remain throughout the year, brings you closer to spiritual matters and make you look at the deepest side of life. Who knows maybe your purpose for the New Year could be to concentrate on yoga and meditation (if by chance you are reading this horoscope and do not practice yoga yet, it is an excellent opportunity to start!).
Śiva is a reference to the single great consciousness that pervades everything. It is not always easy to recognize it in everyday life, not without a good training in meditation. When you succeed, you can see the same force, the same energy in everything, from the smallest, insignificant and trivial object to the greatest principle. Then you will be continually amazed and in that stupor is the ecstasy of enlightenment.
Try to give more space to meditation, Scorpio, feel its strength. And if it is true that planetary transits are above all psychological passages, then why not, check whether meditation can actually help you focus on what you have to develop right now.
Exercise meditation with this short sequence:
Ājnā kriyā, cleansing of the third eye. In any position, at any time, keep your mind relaxed and clear. Be aware of your mental state. See if you prefer to turn your thumb clockwise or counterclockwise. Repeat it several times a day. // 1 min.
Concentration. Sit in a meditative position. Put a flower in front of you. True, if possible, otherwise the image of a flower. Take some time to relax all your muscles. Then contemplate the color and shape of the flower. Observe its beauty. Think of the process by which it is born, how it is formed, how it blooms. Meditate on how its shape is necessary for its function. // From 5 to 15 min.
Mauna, ritual silence. You do not have to be in a meditative position. You can do this exercise at any time during the day. I recommend in the morning immediately after getting up. Take ten minutes to listen: the noise of the water while you wash your face, the clink of the cups when you take one to make coffee, the refrigerator door that opens, and so on … listen to every little sound and you will notice that in all those little noises, you will find a wonderful silence, the silence of the mind. Practice listening. // 10 min.
TOTAL TIME: from 11 to 26 minutes.
MANTRA of the MONTH: «I am attentive».