Le singole tecniche possono presentare controindicazioni. Informarsi adeguatamente prima di eseguirle. Chiedere al proprio insegnante per la corretta esecuzione. I tempi consigliati sono indicativi, adeguare sempre la pratica ai propri tempi e limiti. Non forzare mai, le posizioni devono essere comode e stabili! Per qualsiasi dubbio scrivimi.
Each technique may have contraindications. Take proper information before practising. Ask your teacher for the correct execution. The recommended times are provided only as a guide, always adjust the practice to your own times and limits. Never force, positions must be comfortable and stable! For any doubt write to me.
NECK – It is very interesting to practice pashcimottana-āsana with the forehead resting on a support. Paradoxically, the lengthening of the back and neck is felt much more when the head is resting. This is because the neck is finally let go. In fact, in the pose, the neck is hardly abandoned completely, because this would mean abandoning control and therefore, if you get to rest your head on your legs, you can not see what is in front and around. A certain degree of control is always maintained and the higher this degree, the more rigid the neck is. On the other hand, the neck is the bridge between the head and the heart and when the former wants to control the situation, in disagreement with the latter, this conflict immediately manifests itself in the neck that stiffens.
WARNINGS: psychosomatics values are to be taken into consideration once you have eliminated any mechanical or physiological cause for the same disease. The same values can vary according to personal experiences.