Le singole tecniche possono presentare controindicazioni. Informarsi adeguatamente prima di eseguirle. Chiedere al proprio insegnante per la corretta esecuzione. I tempi consigliati sono indicativi, adeguare sempre la pratica ai propri tempi e limiti. Non forzare mai, le posizioni devono essere comode e stabili! Per qualsiasi dubbio scrivimi.
Each technique may have contraindications. Take proper information before practising. Ask your teacher for the correct execution. The recommended times are provided only as a guide, always adjust the practice to your own times and limits. Never force, positions must be comfortable and stable! For any doubt write to me.
PARENTS -The tree represents the individual’s ability to stand on his own legs. When the boy becomes an adult, he becomes able to introject the mother and the father deep inside. If he once had to lean on family roots, now he can count on the roots he has planted starting from himself. The more solid these roots are, the more he’s able to develop upwards, to evolve. If, however, the relationship with parents is still conflictual, then physical and psychological balance will falter. Generally if you is unstable on the left leg, it indicates that there is something unresolved with your mother, while the right leg refers to the father, the male aspect.
WARNINGS: psychosomatics values are to be taken into consideration once you have eliminated any mechanical or physiological cause for the same disease. The same values can vary according to personal experiences.