12th DORSAL – The vertebra D12 represents the motionless fulcrum of the dorso – lumbar hinge. At this level there is a change in rotational capacity and in the physiological curve of the spine (dorsal kyphosis, lumbar lordosis). Under the D12 there is only a relative rotation because the lumbar-sacral hinge rotates at a maximum of 5 °, which allows you to remain stable in your attitude during the rotation. The rotation degree of the dorsal section is 35 °, 45 ° / 40 ° the flexion in closing, 30 ° / 25 ° the extension, 20 ° the lateral inclination. This mobility is at its peak at D10 – D11 since these vertebrae are articulated with the fluctuating ribs, which are free of the sternum block. Looking at many students performing Matsyendra’s pose, I could notice that at 12th dorsal level, they remain slightly curved, closing the chest forward. Thus the pose is lived in a too humble and sad way. If only there is a little extension and lengthening at this point, the pose acquires a whole different aspect and another psychic value. Then you will find the dignity and sense of well-being typical of this āsana bearing the name of the founder of Hatha-yoga.
WARNINGS: psychosomatics values are to be taken into consideration once you have eliminated any mechanical or physiological cause for the same disease. The same values can vary according to personal experiences.
12th DORSAL – The vertebra D12 represents the motionless fulcrum of the dorso – lumbar hinge. At this level there is a change in rotational capacity and in the physiological curve of the spine (dorsal kyphosis, lumbar lordosis). Under the D12 there is only a relative rotation because the lumbar-sacral hinge rotates at a maximum of 5 °, which allows you to remain stable in your attitude during the rotation. The rotation degree of the dorsal section is 35 °, 45 ° / 40 ° the flexion in closing, 30 ° / 25 ° the extension, 20 ° the lateral inclination. This mobility is at its peak at D10 – D11 since these vertebrae are articulated with the fluctuating ribs, which are free of the sternum block. Looking at many students performing Matsyendra’s pose, I could notice that at 12th dorsal level, they remain slightly curved, closing the chest forward. Thus the pose is lived in a too humble and sad way. If only there is a little extension and lengthening at this point, the pose acquires a whole different aspect and another psychic value. Then you will find the dignity and sense of well-being typical of this āsana bearing the name of the founder of Hatha-yoga.
WARNINGS: psychosomatics values are to be taken into consideration once you have eliminated any mechanical or physiological cause for the same disease. The same values can vary according to personal experiences.