Paripakva – ripe
«O Brahman! Corporeal beings are known to be of two kinds: the unripe ones (with a foul interior, because of the spurious nature of their Gnosis) and the ripe ones (the real men of Gnosisi ripened by Yoga)» (Yoga-śikhopanishad, I.25).
There are mature men, pakvas and immature men, apakva. The former are helped by the constant practice of yoga that brings them knowledge, in the deepest and most existential sense of the term. They are happy and free from suffering.
Getting to this state of maturity presupposes a long journey of reflection, awareness, experience and the ability to learn from mistakes. The immature men are often recognized by their lack of inner firmness, which make them build a fake façade. As they and therefore unaware of their behavior.
You can show your maturity this month, Sagittarius. You can do this by avoiding unnecessary fights triggered by arrogance, nervousness or stress. As they are not in touch with their emotions, they are not aware of their behaviour.
You can show your maturity this month, Sagittarius. You can do it by avoiding unnecessary fights triggered by arrogance, nervousness or stress. As a pakva man, you can instead seize the opportunity to improve relationships, to refine communications and to solve some suspended work or study.
Work on your maturity with this short sequence:
Utkata-āsana, literally the unstable pose, but known as the powerful pose and the yogic chair too. Strong and firm on your legs, try to relax in this instability and in this effort. Take stock of yourself. // From 30 sec. to 1 min.
Vriksha-āsana, tree pose. Show yourself that you’re well rooted and stable in yourself. // from 30 sec. to 1 min. per side.
Vīrabhadra-āsana III, Warrior III. Learn how to be stable in instability. // from 30 sec. to 1 min. per side.
TOTAL TIME: about 5 minutes.
MANTRA of the MONTH: «I am deeply stable».