Ādyantavanta – the beginning and the end
«An intelligent person does not take part in the sources of misery, which are due to contact with the material senses. O son of Kunté, such pleasures have a beginning and an end, and so the wise man does not delight in them» (Bhagavad-gītā, 5.22).
Everything that happens in the manifest world, including pleasures and sufferings, has a beginning and an end. In the concept of ādyantavanta exposed in the Gītā, it is specified that the beginning of an experience is marked by the contact of the senses with the object of experience; its end with the separation of the senses from the same. It applies to everything, good and bad experiences.
So, for example, you might not spend a good experience on Easter Sunday. The Moon in opposition could make you live tensions in your family or in your relationships. If it really happens, it will be just one day. Unless you have strong friction rooted in the past, it will be just a passing mood and when the senses are no longer in contact with the event, you will quickly forget it. Instead, remember the symbolic aspect of Easter, rebirth. It can be an anādyanta moment, without beginning or end. Without beginning, because you are slowly building what you really are and what you have always been. Without end, because it is certainly not a transient experience, but something fundamental to your true nature.
You can build a path of light, Taurus. Keep going and seize opportunities.
Reveal yourself in this sequence:
Kurma-āsana, turtle pose. Relax and observe where your thoughts go. // 1- 2 min.
Utkata-āsana, literally the unstable pose, but known as the powerful pose and the yogic chair too. Strong and firm on your legs, try to relax in this instability and in this effort. Take stock of yourself. // From 30 sec. to 1 min.
Concentration. Sit in a meditative pose. Put a flower in front of you. True, if possible, otherwise the image of a flower. Take some time to relax all your muscles. Then contemplate the color and shape of the flower. Observe its beauty. Think of the process by which it is born, how it is formed, how it blooms. Consider how its shape is necessary for its function. // From 5 to 15 min.
TOTAL TIME: from 7 to 18 minutes.
MANTRA of the MONTH: «With no beginning or end».