Titiksha – patience
«Endurance of all afflictions without countering aids, and without anxiety or lament is said to be titiksha» (Viveka-chudamani 25).
Titiksha is patience, perseverance despite every doubt or adversity. It is one of the fundamental virtues in the yoga path and it is the virtue that more than any other you should cultivate this month, Aquarius.
There is still pleasant atmosphere for you, although activities become more and more hectic. By the middle of the month you could be a bit stressed by the things to do and the fear of not completing what you should. Maybe not everything goes as you mean, but it is just a matter of withstanding stress and having patience. If you get down and think it is not worth doing what you do, you not only risk blocking yourself in your process, but you could also suffer from it in terms of health. Pent-up or overt frustrations are easily somatized on a physical level.
So no anxiety and no complaints, don’t hold on to anything but the observation of you and Nature. In nature you can find great examples of patience.
Use these exercises to be more patient:
Sarvānga-āsana, all limbs pose. The pose turns you upside down, but it shows you that all your limbs depend on you. You support yourself. // From 1 to 5 min.
Matsya-āsana, fish pose. The correct compensation for the previous position. Fishes represents the contents of the unconscious (lower intestine). Let them come to the surface, opening your lower abdomen; face them with courage and joy, opening your chest and heart; express them by opening your throat. // From 1 to 2 min.
Mālā-āsana, garland pose. Collect the energies and learn patience. Eastern people often keep this pose when they have to wait. // 1-2 min.
TOTAL TIME: da 3 a 9 minuti.
MANTRA of the MONTH: «Resisto serenamente»