MAY 19th and 26th – VERONA

MAY 19th and 26th – VERONA

Light of the eyes, light of the heart. 





«Light of the eyes and light of the heart»  is a small excursus into body and psyche to understand how light enters you and how you can let it go out. The reference is to both physical and symbolic light.

The Yoga practice is enriched by theoretical teachings, given directly by two experts : Dr. Nicola Micheletti, medical neurologist of the Integrated University Hospital of Verona for the first meeting and Dr. Erica Perbellini, psychologist and psychotherapist, for the second workshop. The practice in the first seminar will be devoted to improving eyesight, while the theoretical support of the Neurologist will allow you to understand what you are exactly working on. In the second workshop, the support of psychotherapy will help you understand the wounds, while the practice will stimulate the opening of the heart. All this in order to enrich your knowledge of yourself from physical to mental body and at the same time become a better being, a passage for light.

«The lotus emerges clean from the dirty waters in which its seed was kept, to seek the light of the sun that will make it bloom. In the same way the yoga aspirant must first of all struggle with himself, with the dirty part inside him (selfishness, desires, ignorance, fear) and then emerge towards the light of awareness that will give him wisdom and the undisputed beauty of the Truth».

Gilda Giannoni, Yoga, dall’Armonia alla Gioia.


Workshops duration: 2h e 30 min – from 10.00 to 12.30 
It is also possible to participate in only one seminar.
Limited places. Reservation is appreciated.
The workshops will be held at the Combonifem room at the
in Via Monte Ortigara.
15% of the proceeds will be donated to the Comboni Missionary Sisters.

For info and booking: