

Saṃvega – desire for emancipation 

«The strongly intense ones are near»  (Yoga-sūtra, 1,21).

According to the Yoga-saśtra saṃvega is one of the characteristics of perfection in yoga.

In Buddhism it assumes a more painful connotation. More than a wish, it is an urgency given by a shock, by the anxiety to get out of the life suffering. It is the first emotion that drives you to embrace the spiritual path and in fact samyoga is associated with the development of energy and right effort too. On the other hand, you don’t feel the desire to emancipate yourself if you don’t feel close and forced into something that doesn’t correspond to you.

Finally, it is said that samyoga, to be effective, must be accompanied by pasada, that is mental clarity and serene trust.

This month, Aries, Chiron leads you to a reflection on wounds and collective defeats. Saturn let you down on an emotional level and Mars makes you irascible. You are likely to feel unrecognized in your abilities, in your activities. It seems to you like everybody is against you. But the strength of Jupiter is high and so the desire to emancipate yourself from these wounds and from this condition to show others who you are.

Take courage to show your strength:

Parivrittajānuśirsha-āsana, revolved head-to-knee forward bend. A strong work on the abdomen and on the third chakra, seat of will. // 1-2 min. on the side.

Vīrabhadra-āsana II, Warrior II. I’ve always seen those born under the sign of Aries executing this pose perfectly. It is the pose that represents them the most. It stimulates the determination already inherent in Aries. // 1 min. per side.

Utkata-āsana, literally the unstable pose, but known as the powerful pose and the yogic chair too. Strong and firm on your legs, try to relax in this effort. Take stock of yourself and of what you want. // From 30 sec. to 1 min.

TOTAL TIME: 5 to 7 minutes.

MANTRA of the MONTH: «Ram» (Ram indicates the male sheep, depicted at the center of the manipura-chakra, seat of will and whose bīja-mantra is exactly ram. It is you!).

Parivritta janu-shirsha-āsana
Virabhadra-āsana II