Pratyak – in the other direction
«Repetition of it (om) and realization of its purpose [should be made]. Thus inward consciousness (pratyakcetana) is attained and obstacles do not arise» (Yoga-sūtra, 1.28-29).
Pratyak is a prefix that sticks to many different terms. Pratyākhyāna for example means to oppose, to fight, therefore to go in a different direction with respect to what is generally proposed. Pratyakcetana indicates instead the turning of thoughts towards the interior, reflection on yourself, when social life continually asks you to bring attention to the outside. The Yoga Kośa dictionary gives this definition of pratyakcetana: «The introspective attitude that a devotee of God assumes. The individual begins to wonder how he ended up in this mess (the illusory life) and is inclined to get out of it».
It is a nice definition for a revolutionary concept. It is a change of perspective and direction and that’s what you need now, Leo. Perhaps the month does not start so well, especially with regard to love. There may be discussions or the need to review the report. The fact is that it could be you who wants something new, new conditions. You no longer want to submit to something that in the past limited you, or to compromises given by the fear of old injuries. You have the right energy to react now, you have the health, the desire and the curiosity to open yourself to the world. Go in the direction you know!
Increase courage and determination with this short sequence:
Parivrittajānuśirsha-āsana, revolved head-to-knee forward bend. A strong work on the abdomen and on the third chakra, seat of will. // 1-2 min. on the side
Garuda-āsana, eagle pose. Focus on what you want, set your goals and keep your balance. // 1 min per side.
Vīrabhadra-āsana, second variation. Vīrabhadra is one of Śiva’s terrifying forms. The position gives courage and determination, that is what you need to face the challenges of life. // 1-2 min. per side.
TOTAL TIME: from 6 to 12 minutes.
MANTRA of the MONTH: «So ham» (literally “I am this”).