A disengaged reflection
At the beginning of the twentieth century a movement that embraced various forms of art and proposed itself as a sort of life reform flourished in Europe. It was the so called Liberty or Art Nouveau. It constituted a clear response to industrialization and called for a return to nature and a healthy lifestyle.
This “natural and aesthetic” art had a rather short life, quickly supplanted by futurism and modern avant-garde currents, which again exalted the prodigies of progress and industry.
The beginning of the following century was not so different. At the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 2000s various currents of well-being and a return to a slower and healthier lifestyle have made their way. In this sense yoga has known its apex of diffusion. Only a decade later, however, the same currents of well-being, yoga included, have become part of one of the world’s major businesses and have adapted to the modern world: “fresh” smoothies packaged to be consumed quickly, dynamic yoga, acrobatics, etc. to make up for the boredom of slowness and to meet modern times.
I then propose two lessons on the subject, on the occasion of
the birth of Giacomo Balla, on 18 July, and of Alfons Maria Mucha, on 24 July.
A small Yogic incursion into the Futurism before and a step backwards in the Art Nouveau afterwards.
Through the yoga practice we will research the forms and the aesthetic and philosophical sense of one and the other.
If you want to have fun with me in this artistic and meditative game, I’ll wait for you:
18th july, thursday
at Parco San Giacomo, B.go Roma
24th july, wednesday
at Parco dell’Adige L.dg Galtarossa