Archetypes and meditation:
the hidden keys of yoga.
Relationships – grow thanks to others
The spirit – bring out the best in yourself
Āsanas are a treasure for self-knowledge. If the symbolic strength of yoga poses is combined with the archetypes of the body, which are the basis of psychosomatics, the most hidden aspects of one’s personality can be discovered. Many of these aspects are related to relationships. The chakras as well as the evolution of the personality are also related to relationships. Meditation is nothing more than the possibility of establishing a truthful relationship with everything that surrounds us. So all the means of yoga, from the most physical to the most ethereal, are functional for establishing healthy and well-founded relationships with oneself, with others and with the whole universe.
The two proposed seminars want to investigate this aspect of yoga. In the first seminar āsanas are used as archetypes, combined in a sequence that creates a real journey within yourself to understand your relationship with others and how this has made you what you are today. In the second, instead, āsanas and the auxiliary techniques for meditation will be exploited to emancipate those aspects of yourself that allow to have healthier relationships and a greater awareness of yourself.
«Hatha-yoga uses the archetype in the form of āsana to imprint in the psyche a strengthening element for the knowledge of yourself through the sensory experience».
Gilda Giannoni, Yoga, dall’Armonia alla Gioia.
Limited seats. Reservation is appreciated.
The workshops will be held at Centro YOGA studio Brixia
Via Nazario Sauro 2/b (angolo via Trento) 25128 Brescia
Info and booking:;