

Vishramba – confidence

«The Lord of Bounteousness hath given ample riches to us, still we feel our soul is hollow, and crave for more; God hath given supreme strength, still we feel weak and emaciated. Let the stream of  God’s love flow in our soul, in our veins, freely to enable us to face the adversities of life with calm confidence » (Rig Veda, 8.32.12).

Visharamba is “trust” and “confidence” in the sense of intimacy, confidence that one has with a family member and therefore “familiarity”. By chance it means “relaxation” and “rest” too, which in fact can really only be had in a family environment, where you feel safe and confident.

That’s what you can do, Aquarius. Venus enters your sign just before Christmas, ensuring the attentions and pleasures of your loved ones during the holidays. The end of the year could be even more “lovely” since even the Moon makes you pleasantly romantic. So this month starts well and finishes well, why then should you be nervous? There is no reason, is there? In fact there is no reason, remember it every time you feel irritable and are convinced that you have the right to be irritable.


Pashcimottana-āsana, western pose

Relax every night for three minutes in this pose, let go of the weights and let go of the ego.

Awareness exercise

Observe all your reasons for irritation. Think of replacing the irritating episode with a romantic event that you would like to happen. By the end of the month, of all those you have thought try to make at least one (there will be one that can depend on you!).

Mantra of the month

«A calm confidence».