

Titiksha – patience

«Endurance of all afflictions without countering aids, and without anxiety or lament is said to be titiksha» (Viveka-chudamani 25).

March is starting fairly quiet for you, Scorpio. Even though there have been important changes, at the moment they don’t seem to weigh, quite the contrary. It will perhaps be harder after half a month, when that movement that seemed positive now stops, stagnates with Saturn asking you to be more patient and introspective.

Titiksha is patience, perseverance despite any doubt or adversity. It is one of the fundamental virtues in the yoga journey. You will not accept it willingly, but think that to consolidate and strengthen what has been created there is need for stasis too.


Scorpio March 2020

Adho utkata-āsana, powerful downward position

Stable and curled up to develop strength until the moment you need to get up. Practice it every day for a minute.      

Awareness exercise

Find a moment of silence, when you do nothing and nobody talks to you. Stop and listen to the sensations. Try to stay at least five minutes. Do it several times in this month.

Mantra of the month
