

 Āyu – Life-time

«Gārgya said, ‘This sound that issues behind a man as he walks, I meditate upon as Brahman.’ Ajātaśatru said, ‘Please don’t talk about him. I meditate upon him as life.’ He who meditates upon him as such attains his full term of life in this world, and life does not depart from him before the completion of that term» (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, 2.1.10).

Āyu is a prefix known above all for the word Āyurveda, literally the “science of life”,

and in fact the term indicates life, in the sense of its earthly duration and in this sense it indicates a living being or more generally a man, mankind. In the above verse the expression sarvaṃ haivāsmiṃlloka āyureti indicates full life or more precisely all the things to be accomplished in life.

If you have something to accomplish, it is the right month, Gemini. Take advantage of the first twenty days of the month to attend to pending chores, conclude plans and projects, settle pending. In the last ten days you will already be able to enjoy the fruits of these small or large operations and you will be ready to welcome or start something new.


Chakra-āsana, wheel pose

Do you know the saying “closing the circle”? Here you create a circle with your body (if you can not, keep your head on the ground). It will give you the strength and courage to carry out your missions. Do this at least 3 times a week for twenty seconds.

Awareness exercise

Write down everything you have pending: from small things to bigger initiatives, begun and never finished. For this month, try to wrap up the little things and see how you feel at the end of the month. 

Mantra of the month

«To conclude».