Navīkarana – renewal
«If a boy, being deprived of his parents, or being abandoned by them without cause, offers himself to a man,—he is called the ‘self-offered son» (Manusmirti, 9.177).
Don’t you see the word “renewal” in this verse? And in fact there is no, there is instead the word karana (to act, to do, action), here understood and translated as “cause”. If you add the suffix nava, the word is transformed and becomes to renew. An orphan who offers himself to a new parent begins a new life and, despite the pain of the previous loss, cultivates in himself the hope of a better future and in doing so acts for that.
A good moon on New Year’s Eve gives you a sense of what the direction of the entire year can be. Maybe you won’t have big income, maybe some events will be discouraging and give you a sense of the end of something. Well, surely this new year will mark the end of a part of you that needs to renew itself. Accept the change, because if you don’t do it voluntarily, life will force you to do it and in the future you will realize that everything already had a direction.
Pashcimottana-āsana, west pose
It’s always the best position when it comes to letting go. It is definitely your pose of the year. As you learn to let go, the back way opens up and the Kundalinī finds its way towards spiritual realization.
Awareness exercise
At least once a week sit in a meditative position for ten minutes. Think about what you lost in life, what you had to give up and then think about what you gained right after, what made you grow and thrive.
Mantra of the month