Yadricchā – accidental
«He who is satisfied with objects that come of their own accord, who tolerates dualities such as heat and cold, who is free from envy, and who remains equipoised in success and failure even while performing action, is not bound by it.» (Hathayoga-Pradīpikā, III.73-74).
Yadricchā is that which comes spontaneously, by chance, by accident. It can be positive or negative, but the yogi will know how to accept it in any case. In fact, the yogi is content, that is, capable of being satisfied with what he has or that comes to him spontaneously. He is equanimous, that is, capable of accepting everything that stands in his way.
You have taken a direction, Gemini, and now go straight ahead with will and determination. That’s ok, but be careful not to delude yourself that the road is free from obstacles just because it is the right way. A spanner in the works always comes and it could be your case after the middle of the month. Nothing serious in theory, but you could take it more seriously than it is, just because you don’t want to be interrupted in your path or because you don’t accept that someone instills doubts in you. Take these little hiccups as opportunities to fine-tune your plans and make them even stronger and more unassailable.

Virabhadra-āsana, Virabhadra pose, variant
It is a position of strength and acceptance at the same time: firmly planted on your legs, you know how to open your heart to what comes without arguing.
Awareness exercise
Sit for five to ten minutes at least a couple of times a week. Consider every time that something has come to you by chance, be it a new friendship, a job opportunity or a precious object. Think about the importance you gave to it at first and how it later turned out to be providential or in any case determined the course of your life. So think back to what is happening to you these days and if by chance among the events, something is hidden that will be important in the future.
Mantra of the month
«The beneficial obstacles»