Yoga in Verona

Yoga in Verona

Insights into yoga practice

19 and 26 October – 2 and 9 November


HOURS: from 19.00 to 21.00

LOCATION: Combonifem Room at the M. Fiorentina House of the Comboni Missionary Sisters in Via Monte Ortigara (Borgo Trento).

COST: € 20 per lesson.


For reservations:


A special year

The health emergency situation with the relative restrictions has opened up the possibility of implementing an important aspect of yoga: individual practice. Practicing in class is pleasant and creates aggregation, but it must be remembered that yoga is a path of introspection, in which the individual is alone in exploring himself. For its spiritual significance, yoga practice should also be carried out every day, perhaps even just a few minutes instead of one or two hours once or twice a week.

Practice at home

This year, for many, that drive of will has been activated that makes it take ten or fifteen minutes, half an hour or an hour for oneself, put down the mat and devote oneself to yoga. In this process, the audios I created on the Patreon platform were meant to be a help: a middle ground between being followed in the classroom and working independently. Here with the audio lessons you can work independently but guided by a voice that indicates what to do. In this way the problem that in the past has been posed to me by many is obviated: “at home I can’t think of what to do”.

In-person seminars

All this does not mean that the attentive eye of a teacher remains a valid and important tool to ensure the correct execution of the techniques. This is why I thought of in-depth meetings in which to work on details and tricks to improve the practice. The topics and techniques covered in each evening will be decided on the basis of the survey held on Patreon and published on this page by October 15th.

Take part in the survey to be able to work on what interests you most!