Grahas – planets
«Past, future and present and also good and evil consequences in this body should be know on the basis of rise of Grahas (Planets) in The Rāśis (zodiac sign)» (Vasistha Samhitā, V.33).
Happy birthday Scorpio! It is a peculiar birthday, given that it is characterized by the transits of almost all the major planets, the slowest ones, which are felt the most. Uranus makes itself felt with its sudden changes, which you may have already experienced: a job change, a relocation, a marriage or motherhood, or some health problem that forces you to completely reprogram. If it hasn’t happened yet and it happens now, try not to get too angry with others. It is useless to fight over something that is inevitable. Your patience is tested by the great Saturn, but if you pass the test later you will realize that the changes bring you a possibility of material or spiritual evolution, which perhaps so far is only in your dreams.
Ardha chakra-āsana, half wheel pose
The pose that opens you to the sky.
Mindfulness exercise
How long have you not stopped looking at the sky and the stars? Remember to look at the sky from time to time, both day and night.
Mantra of the month
«The starry sky above me»