Born in Piombino (LI), graduated in Philosophy at the University of Pisa, she obtained a post-graduate degree in Yoga-Therapy at the S-Vyasa University of Bengaluru (India). She has been practicing yoga since 1992 and she has been teaching it since 1999. In 2005 she founded the YogaMarga school in Verona, which she managed until 2018. Since 2005 she has been involved in teacher training, writing and workshops collaborating with various institutions.
- Tecniche per l’ansia e la depressione, Ed. Magnanelli, Turin, December 2016.
- Manual de Hatha-Yoga, Teoria y practica para profesores, estudiantes y practicantes, Ediciones Tutor, Madrid, April 2016.
- Yoga e sessualità, Ed.Magnanelli, Turin, December 2015.
- Yoga, dall’Armonia alla Gioia, Ed. Magnanelli, Turin, December 2012.
- Create Beauty Through Yoga, online Watkins Magazine, April 2017.
- Action in Relaxation, online Watkins Magazine, December 2016.
- June 21st, Yoga for a Mutual Society, online Watkins Publishing, June 2016.
- Abhyasa: Commit Yourself to Love, online Watkins Publishing, May 2016.
- Lasciar andare, il Gioco dell’Esistenza, «Vivere lo Yoga» Magazine, Sprea Editori, n°68, May-June 2016.
- Facing loneliness with contentment, online Watkins Magazine, February 2016.
- Dharma: dare un senso alla vita, «Vivere lo Yoga» Magazine, Sprea Editori, n°64, September-October 2015.
- Vyādhi: il concetto di malattia nello Yoga Vāsishtha, «Yoga in Occidente» Magazine, quarterly ASYCO, Turin, June 2014.
- La posizione come archetipo: tāda-āsana, rivista «Yoga in Occidente», quarterly ASYCO Magazine, Turin, June 2013.
- Yantra, alla sua vista mi immagino l’infinito, rivista «Yoga in Occidente», quarterly ASYCO Magazine, Torino, December 2008.
- YogaMarga Podcast, Culture in Practice, online audio lessons, May 2020.
- Yoga in Quarantena (25 parole per 25 giorni), solidarity project, online podcast, March – April 2020.
- Yoga for Back-Pain, curated by Maxy Sound, Bussolengo (VR), October 2016.
Group and private frontal lessons – Workshops and in-depth seminars on the practice of yoga, on the philosophy and culture of India and the East in various cities of Italy – Yoga retreats and holidays – Conferences and consultancy for public and private institutions. Audio lessons via podcast and digital support.
Worth mentioning:
- Yoga in Office, lesson at Open Building, architecture and engineering studio,Verona, March 2017.
- Biocentrismo – Perception, theater science laboratory at the Master in Scientific Journalism and Institutional Communication of Science, University of di Ferrara, July 2015.
- Behing lthe sequence: logic and harmony, seminar at Yogaone Center, Barcelona, Spain, May 2014.
- Yoga, from Harmony to Joy, introductory seminar to yoga and yoga therapy at Rotary Club, Verona, March 2014.
- Bases of Yoga, seminar at the Yoga for Children Teacher Training Course organized by Sehaliah Association and Onda del Respiro Association in Barletta (BA), sponsored by the University of Bari, November 2013.
- Class at the YogaFest, oorganized at the Castle of Barletta, Puglia, June 2014, September 2013 e September 2012.
- Bases of Yoga and Prânâyâma, seminars at Master GiocaYoga, promosso da AIYB (Italian Association Yoga for Children), March 2013 e March 2012.
- Class on Yoga at the Annual Conference of the Aveda brand, Estee Lauder S.r.l., October 2009 and October 2008.
- ISYCO (Institute for the study of Yoga and Oriental Culture) with specific teaching of āsana, ancient texts, raja-yoga and yoga therapy in Verona, Turin, Padua – 2006 – today.
- YogaMarga, didactic director and lecturer for Hatha-yoga Teacher Training, Post-training, Raja-yoga Master, Functional Yoga Master – 2005 – 2018.
- Teaching Yoga, direction and teaching of the master at Associazione Verdeloto, Potendera (PI) / Empoli (FI) – January – October 2015.
- Teacher and e direttrice didattica didactic director of the Biennial Yoga Teacher Training Course in Barletta (BA) organized by Sehaliah Association, Ruvo di Puglia, and Onda del Respiro Association, Barletta, with the patronage of CONI – 2012 -2014.
YOGAMARGA, yoga practice and CULTURe — 2005 – 2018
Foundation and management of the YogaMarga school of culture and yoga practice, based in Verona in via Albere, 29A. Center for yoga diffusion and practice activities and with specialized yoga teacher training courses and post-training masters.
INTERPreter for YOGA master — 2000 – 2018
Guide and interpreter for seminars of yoga masters from India and abroad. Worth mentioning:
- Dott. Narayan Nambi, Ayurveda Doctor, Director of the Ashtavaidyan Trichur Thaikatmooss’ SNA Oushadhasala Institute, Kerala for the seminars during the Ayurveda week at Hotel Caesius, Bardolino (VR), May 2012, and in seminars at YogaMarga in June 2008 and May 2006..
- Swami Maheshananda, spiritual guide of Kaivalydahama Ashram, Lonavla, India, for the seminar held at YogaMarga June 2007, and at Villa Buri, Verona, April 2003.
- Doctor Oak, Kaivalyadhama Ashram, Lonavla, India, for the seminar held at YogaMarga, Verona, February 2006..
- Professor S.K.Ganguly, Director of the Gordhandas Seksaria College of Yoga and Cultural Synthesis at the Kaivalyadhama S.M.Y.M. Samiti, Lonavla, India, for the seminar held at Villa Buri, Verona, November 2002.
- Swami Kartikeyan, Divine Yoga Society, Shivananda Ashram, Rishikesh, India, for the seminar held at the Yoga Institute of C. Patrian, Milan, June 2001.
- Swami YogaSwarupananda, Divine Yoga Society, Shivananda Ashram, Rishikesh, India, for the seminars held in Grosseto, Piombino, Florence, January 2001.
Worth mentioning:
- Blog, collection of articles, poems, yogic-themed stories of Eastern wisdom and Western and Eastern philosophy. “Yoga horoscopes” project to spread the philosophical concepts and words of yoga – September 2018-today.
- Desperate Yogini, yogic survival techniques, blog between the serious and the facetious that combines the practical, symbolic and philosophical aspects of yoga with astrology – January 2016-June 2017.
- Perception, show on the themes of yoga and quantum physics, screenplay, direction and interpretation, at Dogana Veneta, Lazise, April 2015, and YogaFest Matera – June 2015.
- Visva-lila: the game of the universe, yogic performance in collaboration with Laura Liberale, indologist and writer; presented at the Yoga Fest of Matera – July 2014 – and at the Crazy Lazy Yoga event in Lazise (VR) – June 2014.
STAYS IN ASHRAM — 2000 – 2012
- Vivekananda Kendra, Bengaluru, Karnakata, India, stays and studies between 2000 and 2012.
- Kaivalyadhama Ashram, Lonavla, India, periodic study and practice stays between 2000 and 2010. Internship experience in supporting yoga therapist Mrs. Oak at the Research Laboratory of the Kaivalyadhama University Center.
- Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama, Rishikesh, India, January 2010, meditation and practice of silence.
Woth mentioning:
- Hatha-yoga classes at YogaBarn, Ubud, Bali Indonesia, August 2017 and August 2016.
- Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga with Stewart Gilchrist, October 2013.
- Yoga Somatics with Atheeka, October 2013.
- Yogabeat with David Sye, October 2012 and February 2013.
- Jivamukti with Sharon Gannon, December 2012.
- S-Vyasa University , Yoga University, Bengaluru, India – Post-Graduate Diploma in Yoga Therapy (PGDYT) – September 2012.
- Istituto Yoga di Carlo Patrian, Milan – Yoga Instructor – January 2002.
- Indian Yoga Institute S-Vyasa, Bengaluru, India – Yoga Instructor Certificate (YIC), November 2000.
- University of Pisa – Degree with honors in Philosophy (thesis in Logic of Natural Languages) – March 2000.
Hatha-Yoga, Raja-Yoga, Yoga Therapy, Ancient Texts of the Yoga Tradition, Archetypes and Symbolism, Eastern and Western Philosophy, Philosophy of Language.